real name is Sasa Zlicar, and Zly is only a nickname provided during
long time of search for "unique" nick.
Currently I study 3rd year of Informatic Design at
the Zagreb University and am 20 years old.
I'm working in 3DS Max for few years now, and I use my knowledge in
production of first Core Project game called Overtake
Zone (if you wanna see more of my work, please visit OZ site).
As for high-school I finished school of mechanical engineering.
Like every other 20 year old man I like good movies, computer games,
fast cars, beautiful girls and beer.
From movie world I like good action films and comedies, and my favourite
actors are Clint Eastwood, Woody Allen, Jack Nicholson, Ben Kingsley
and Sean Connery. I specially like Star Wars and Star Trek series.
In coputer games I'm all into tactics and favourite games to me are:
Master of Orion series, X-Com series, Warhammer series, Heroes of
Might&Magic series, and all games from Sid Meier.
Apsolutely best games ever are: Star Control 2, Pirates!, Diablo series
and X-Com series.
In sport I'm football fan of Dinamo Zagreb, Nantes and Real Madrid,
motorsport fan of Ferrari, and basketball fan of Milwaukee Bucks.
This review isn't short, but hey, I live for 20 years now and think
that I have something to say :)
If you like additional info or something else just
e-mail me.